Haylo's 4th Annual Fire Party Phoenix Rising July14th 6PM-11PM Welcoming AllMusic Lovers, Fire Lovers, Art Lovers, & Friends~ Fire is the Identity Principal, Active Life Force and Transformation *Our charity is Fire Fighters Burned Children’s fund. Please help us spread the word to begin raising money at the Phoenix Rising Fire Party~ ffbcf.org 6PM Live Art & Drum Circle 7PM Royal Peasantry Fashion Show 8PM Live Music 10PM Fire Performances 11PM the Ceremonial Burn In the Spirit of Transformation, Trust and Perseverance the Rising Phoenix is the Sacred Symbol for our Annual Summer Celebration~ Like unto a Day Breaking Sun, the Phoenix claims New Life Rising from the Ashes of it’s previous Self~ Haylo is located in the basement of the 1111 Central Building. Walk around the front of the building and down the stairs. Event will be held outdoors and is free, but we appreciate your donations to NC Firefighters' Burned Children Fund Haylo Healing Arts Lounge 1111 Central Ave. Charlotte, NC 28204