Join Mickey Mouse and his friends at Disney On Ice presents Mickeys Search Party, an adventure filled with world class skating, high flying acrobatics and unexpected stunts! Look for clues in the search for Tinker Bell through immersive, fantastic worlds. Explore the colorful spirit realm of Coco, sail away with Moana as she bravely saves her island, see Belle in the sky as the enchanted chandelier comes to life, and sing along with Elsa in the icy world of Frozen. Make memories during Aladdin, Toy Story and The Little Mermaid as the search party becomes an all out celebration! See Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy and stars from Moana, Coco, Frozen, Toy Story, Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, and The Little Mermaid. Visit for COVID-19 information and venue safety standards.
All persons two and older must have a ticket to enter arena. Note: Costumes not permitted for guest 14 years & older. Please monitor the venue website for health and safety policies, including face covering and entry requirements, which are subject to change. All tickets are subject to availability. Price are subject to change. Visit for more info.
Wheelchair + Companion Seating: Located in all levels of the Coliseum based on event setup for particular event.
Mobility Impaired Patrons + Companion Seating :Located in all levels of the Coliseum based on event setup for particular event.