The best after work party, Alive After Five presents...
Natty Boh is hoping on stage this Thursday May, 10th! This Charlotte duo rocks an aoustic vibe with guitar, vocals, and mandolin. Then Royal Suits will be closing things down. This true "music lover's" band perform all kinds of music - from current Top 40 and indie rock to funk, classic rock, Motown, and beyond. Royal Suits just wants you to have fun and dance the night away, and so do we! Check them out @NattyBohDuo and @theroyalsuits on Facebook!
The best after work party, Alive After Five, has been going for 18 YEARS STRONG! We’re back this year with more live music! Bands will be starting right at 5pm so be sure not to be too fashionably late! That’s right we said BANDS, this year we will be having two bands every Thursday so the live music never stops all night long! Don’t even get us started on our new craft beer line up, we weren’t lying when we said better than ever! With Epicentre’s prominent uptown location, whether you are walking, using many of the convenient parking options or hoping the city light rail you can access Charlotte’s #1 weekly event. Come enjoy the best crowd, entertainment, and nightlife that Charlotte has to offer in 2018.
Follow us for possible VIP giveaways and more! FB: @AliveAfterFiveCLT IG: @aliveafter5 T: @aliveafter5 Snapchat: aa5clt
Official after-parties will be held at Rooftop 210, Whisky River, BlackFinn, SUITE, Vida, and StrikeCity.