Buried 20 miles beneath the New Mexico desert, a team of rag tag scientists has built the Improv Collide-o-Scope 3000 to find the answers to life’s most mysterious questions: How did we get here? Why are we here? Are we there yet? And who stole the cookie from the cookie jar? 34 miles in circumference, 53 meters in width, and a hefty 206 pounds in weight, The Collide-o-Scope 3000 takes improvisers from different teams and hurls them at each other at the speed of light to see what might happen. Perhaps new particles of physics will be found! Maybe black holes could inadvertently be formed, ending the universe as we know it. Or — more likely — a new improv team. So grab your goggles, your lab coats, and your laughing pants and visit CATCh on the fourth Saturday of every month to witness IMPROV SCIENCE at work! *Colliding this month: Jen Altizer (Soggy Naan, Now are the Foxes, Pipes Hate Wipes campaign), Fen Druadin (6 Cats in a Bed, acclaimed writer), Blake Edwards (Improv Charlotte, Pipes Hate Wipes campaign), Carey Head (Soggy Naan, The Fungibles, & CATCh Co-Founder), Kevin Shimko (Soggy Naan, The Fungibles, & CATCh Co-Founder), & Hillary Staple (Third Place Brenda)*